Friday, July 13, 2012

Left and Right

Right now American politics is a competition between the incompetent and the insane.

The "Left" as it is in the Democratic Party is right now incompetent in almost every way.  You need only look at the government in our nation’s capital to see it.  How Marion Berry remains in office all these years truly boggles the mind. The bumbling of Reid and Pelosi shows just what "career politicians"  have done for us.  In regards to Obama, his greatest mistake was repeating many of his predecessor's policies.  Obama's other big mistake was health care reform, while good intentioned was a waste of political capital that could have been better used to address the systemic problems that plague us. To the dismay of Obama's most fervent supporters in the last election has been the most startling revelation regarding the President:  that he is at his core just another politician. It is funny that many of the same Democrats who rail against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan today were among the ones that voted for it yesterday.  It is sad that in the ascension of Reagan the term "liberal" became a dirty word, even sadder when you compare classical Liberalism and Marxism and find how much different they really are. Want more fun with Democrats?  Google "C Jack Ellis" and have a big laugh. You cannot govern or negotiate from a position of weakness, yet the Left keeps on trying.

The "Right" as it stands can be summed up in one word:  insane.  The undercurrent has always been around always waiting to flourish.  We last saw this manifested in the 1950's with the "Red Scare" led by men like Joseph McCarthy under the precept of "Un-American Activites" where people tried making other forms of speech and thought illegal. In 50's America the disease was fear as it is today.  Back then it was fear of the Soviets, today it is fear of foreigners, science and even fear of education and critical thinking.  The Right has declared open war on society itself and the institutions that maintain it by engaging in class warfare and divisive rhetoric.  Somehow they have been lead to believe that America was founded solely as a "Christian Nation" by people who valued religious freedom after many of them came here fleeing religious persecution.  They have also been lead to believe that America was founded on the concept on unregulated capitalism when the words "capitalism" and "free market" cannot be found in the Constitution that they revere almost as much as the Bible. Today the concepts of compromise and moderation make as much sense as the do to a toddler with a temper tantrum. The greatest hypocrisy of the Right today is that they care more about things that exist on paper like the Constitution and corporations than they do flesh and blood human beings.  They care more for a collection of cells in a woman's womb than the child it may eventually become.   Nothing today can conjure their wrath quite like showing them their own hypocrisy. 

The disintegration of the right has also hurt the left in unexpected ways.  The debate between the two has been reduced to useless partisan warfare where no one really gets ahead.  It has led to the deadlock in our government that paralyzed the entire system.  Today the promises made to the lobbyists of yesterday are more critical than the needs of Americans today.

Sometimes, we can only be as good as our competition makes us.       

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